Grit Capital is a business consulting firm located in Iowa.
We’re motivated by helping people.
We want to help you get from where you are today to where you want to go.
Whether you’re a business owner ready to transition your life’s work, a business ready for the next level,
or a a high net-worth family wanting to build upon your legacy;
let us put our GRIT to work for you
We’re motivated by helping people.
We want to help you get from where you are today to where you want to go.
Whether you’re a business owner ready to transition your life’s work, a business ready for the next level,
or a a high net-worth family wanting to build upon your legacy;
let us put our GRIT to work for you
Business Consulting
When it comes to running a business, having partners you trust pays. We offer consulting services ranging from financial advice to strategic planning, and marketing expertise. We take pride in practicing the golden rule of business - treat others' businesses, as you would your own.